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Client Accused of Nearly Striking Police Vehicle Acquitted of DUI/DWAI


When people come to Fife Luneau, P.C. for driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while ability impaired (DWAI) defense, they are not coming to just any criminal defense law firm. They are coming to one of the most trusted and experienced names in DUI defense in the entire state of Colorado. We have successfully litigated thousands of cases for DUI, criminal defense, and traffic violation clients throughout our years of practice. Many of our case results even involve the successful challenging of laboratory testing and field sobriety tests.

One recent victory was achieved in People v. M.S. Within this case, our client was arrested in Douglas County and charged for a DUI and DWAI. The arresting officers claimed our client nearly struck their vehicle while they were parked on the side of the interstate and continued to struggle to maintain control over a single lane. Upon pulling our client over, they recorded that they had slurred speech, unsteady balance, an odor of alcohol, and bloodshot, watery eyes. Our client was subjected to a field sobriety test, which they reportedly failed.

Despite all of this admittedly strong evidence against our client, we do not give up at Fife Luneau, P.C. In fact, we dig in with even more tenacity when the odds are tough. Using a mix of our tried-and-true methods and innovative case strategies, we were able to defeat all the charges and secure an incredible win for our client.

To learn more about our Denver DUI attorneys and your rights after being arrested for a DUI, call (720) 408-7130. We make our team available 24/7 because we know arrests can happen at any hour of any day. Do not hesitate to contact us when you need us.

(Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Each case is different. Many of our cases have also been won on pretrial motions to suppress and/or dismiss as well as through successful negotiations with prosecutors. Our complete list of jury trial and pretrial victories is too voluminous to list.)
