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Driver Who Tested .19 BAC Acquitted of DUI Charges Thanks to Fife Luneau, P.C.


Fire Luneau, P.C. believes that every client deserves a powerful defense. Furthermore, we know that every DUI case is defensible, no matter what the prosecution says or what evidence they might have collected to use against the defendant. With experience, focus, and an unwavering spirit for justice, anything is possible.

This is no clearer than in our recent case result for People v. A.G. Our client was charged with a DUI, a DWAI, and careless driving after being pulled over an arrested in Arapahoe County. According to the police statements, our client allegedly crashed into an interstate overpass barrier after losing control of their vehicle. Arrest reports noted slurred speech, bloodshot and watery eyes, the odor of alcohol on their breath, and unsteady balance. Most noteworthy of all, our client apparently tested to have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.19, or more than twice the legal limit of 0.08.

Most any other law firm out there would have seen the alleged evidence and buckled. Plea deals are all too common in DUI defense cases, which basically sacrifice the defendant’s rights to a fair trial in order for a rapid conclusion and potentially lessened penalties. While plea deals have their place, our Denver DUI attorneys knew such a deal would be unjust for our client in this case. We knew a successful defense was possible.

By focusing on the evidence, its viability, and how it was collected, we were able to cast a strong shadow of doubt over it all. As it is known, criminal convictions must be made in full confidence, or not at all. We are more than pleased to say that this case ended with an acquittal of DUI, DWAI, and careless driving charges.

Quick-Thinking, Hard-Hitting Denver DUI Attorneys – (720) 408-7130

When the odds are stacked against you, Fife Luneau, P.C. can defend you. Our DUI defense lawyers have successfully handled thousands of DUI cases in Denver and beyond for clients in the most precarious of legal situations. You can trust in the power and experience of our defense when it seems no one else can help. Together, we can secure for you the brightest possible future!

Contact our law firm now to start your defense!

(Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Each case is different. Many of our cases have also been won on pretrial motions to suppress and/or dismiss as well as through successful negotiations with prosecutors. Our complete list of jury trial and pretrial victories is too voluminous to list.)
